Saturday, October 3, 2009

Just Finished Reading...

The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
Let's discuss this cover, shall we?
First off, in reading workshop we've been studying the characteristics of different reading genres. While one of my students was reading this book, I asked him what genre he thought his book was. He told me, "Uh, fantasy, I think." Now, mind you, he was comprehending the story and having no trouble summarizing his reading, however this particular cover that he had threw him. This student is visual and was using the cover to help with his comprehension. So in his mind, the bear that the two boys encounter really was larger than the forest. Not only that, but do you see the two "boys?" They look like grown, strapping men. Sometimes, I wonder.
Okay, so I finished this book last weekend and it's already back on the library shelf, but I have a 50 hour work week so my posts are going to be a little slow coming.
While reading this book, I had an odd sensation that I've read this before, kind of like book deja vu, I'm guessing in my 6th grade reading class. No matter, it was still fresh enough that it felt like a first read.
I recommended this book to my fifth graders because they are studying American Indians and soon early colonial days and this book is a perfect tie in. Two of my students had just finished reading it and recommended it to me. That's the great thing about my class. I get just as many recommendations as I give, mainly from my fifth graders. My sixth grade class is still attitudinally (did I just make up a word?) challenged.
I'm currently reading/listening to Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko. I ordered Al Capone Shines My Shoes for my classroom library so I figured I should at least read the first first.

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